dishless eco


Chopsticks Cafe Gusto Challenge

A family restaurant near our town in Japan, Ohashi Cafe Gusto

(which is no longer there)

There are only chopsticks on the table, and even when western food is served, you eat with chopsticks only at that place.

Maybe they will serve if ask

I went to see a place with lots of dishes, but there were only chopsticks.

If you try it, you'll see that you can eat pretty much anything with just chopsticks.

This means less dishes to wash, less detergent and water to use, and it is eco-friendly.

All over the world

If everyone in the world started using chopsticks, how much water would be saved?

(A day to eat only with chopsticks)

Right now, there is a serious shortage of water all over the world due to the over-raising of beef cattle (beccause it takes a lot of water to grow grain for food)

(source: NHK TV)

Groundwater depletion

It is predicted that people will not be able to eat beef, or even most meat, and will live only on soybeans and eggs in the near future.

 Too much promotion of beef.    The Green Revolution was a failure.

Due to climate change, the fishery for pacific saury and --- has become scarce  | 

As they move out of Japan's EEZ, more and more fishes are being caught by Chinese or Taiwanese  ships.

The clams are being eaten by rays from the south.

The government is trying to prevent the decline of the fishery by increasing the catch of Japanese anchovies.

(source: newspaper)

It is sad to see the fish disappear.


I like fish a lot more than meat, and I don't care if meat goes extinct, I want to eat more fish.

I'd also like to see global companies in the US and Europe not sell too much of their meat products to emerging countries.


I'm trying to be earth-friendly  by saving on washing dishes, detergent, and water from my lunches and daily meals.

Use fewer plates, just one.

Eat everything with chopsticks. We can also drink soup by tilting the bowl.

I heard that chopsticks are good for mental exercise because  using your hands dexterously.


#Chopstick #Eat natto one meal a day

A nutrition professor told us that natto can increase your memory.

Washoku ... good for health

Chewing your food well
